Recent Trends and Applications of Soft Computing in Engineering
Recent Trends and Applications of Soft Computing in Engineering (RTASCE”24) – Sarajevo is an annual scientific gathering, for the first time in Sarajevo, Bosnia. It aims to connect scientists, researchers, and scholars from around the whole world, to present their research results and the newest findings in the fields of Engineering, focusing on Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, Computer sciences, Mechanical engineering, Software engineering, and other related topics. RTASCE will include keynote speeches, invited speeches, oral presentations, and poster presentations. The conference certification will be issued to all attendees including listeners.
Conference on Soft Computing
9th Conference on SOFT COMPUTING, Sarajevo, June 26-27, 2020
You are cordially invited to participate in The Seventh Regional Conference on Soft Computing that will be held on June 26-27, 2020 at International University of Sarajevo. The Conference is organized by Operation Research Society in Bosnia and Association – Research and Development Academy. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: more>>